
July 25, 2015

Testing, Testing... 1...2...3...

Anyone still out there?

So much happened last year that blogging fell by the way side. I implemented 1:1 laptops and attempted PBL units. I transitioned my algebra 1 classes to standards based grading. I began a full load of graduate coursework towards my administration certification. I took on more leadership roles in my building. All in all, it was a fantastic year! I just miss my blogging and my MTBoS people!

Well, this post can obviously not capture everything from last year so here are my highlights.

#1: I attended EdCampNWA with my awesome coworkers and friends. It was fantastic!!

#2: I helped grow WILDCATS. Our mascot is the wildcat and we charge our students with being Welcoming, Involved, Leading, Dependable, Cooperative, Ambitious, Teachable, and Serving. As you can see from the pictures below, I embraced this idea including some very large letters on my wall! :) Throughout the year students did "Wildcat Shout-outs" and recognized each other for their wildcat traits. The bottom picture in this clustering is a bunch of Wildcat Shout-outs ready for the Friday drawing.

#3: I revamped my syllabus {modeled obviously after Rob Patin's} and now I LOVE it! Yes, there are some strategically placed smudges on the image below.

#4: I embraced standards-based grading in algebra 1 and will never go back. Sure, my system wasn't perfect, but my students had more of a growth mindset and sought out ways to further their learning. They were also able to communicate their strengths and weaknesses related to content. It was fabulous!! {My ninja's are straight from Mr. Bowdoin's work. I take zero credit for their cuteness.}
#5: Changing to standards-based grading also enhanced my understanding and constant awareness of the content. Yes, I helped write the district curriculum. Yes, I stay fairly up to date regarding best practices. But nothing has grown my understanding and connections of the content like standards-based grading. The images below are from the binder I created for myself. Maybe I'll come back and share it sometime.

 I will try not to be gone for 14 months this time. Oops...